corporate governance

Shareholder Communication Strategy

    The Board aims to ensure that the shareholders are informed of all major developments affecting the Company. All shareholders have the option to receive either a hard copy or electronic version of the Company's annual report, and may also request copies of the Company's half-yearly and quarterly reports.
    The Company maintains a website on which the Company makes the following information available on a regular and up to date basis:
  • ASX announcements;
  • Annual and half yearly reports and quarterly reports;
  • Prospectus and notices of meetings; and
  • Corporate Governance and Management information.
  • Electronic Communication with Shareholders

  • Shareholders are encouraged to provide the Company, via its share registry, with email addresses for electronic communication between the Company via its share registry, and its shareholders. Where practical the Company will provide the provision for electronic voting on matters at Shareholder Meetings.
  • Participation at Shareholder Meetings

  • The Company encourages full participation of shareholders at shareholders meetings of the Company. The Company makes available complete meeting documentation on a timely basis and arranges its shareholder meetings at convenient locations and at reasonable times to enable and encourage shareholders to attend.
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